Siamese flying fox, siamese fox
- length of fish: 5-10 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Moderate
- family: Carps and Barbs
- temperament: Active
- body shape of fish: Elongated
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Dwarf Otocinclus
- length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Easy
- family: Plecos
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Elongated
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Otocinclus vittatus
- length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Easy
- family: Plecos
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Elongated
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Dwarf Gourami
- length of fish: 5-10 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Easy
- family: Bettas, Gouramis
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Oval
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Paradise Fish
- length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Easy
- family: Bettas, Gouramis
- temperament: Aggressive
- body shape of fish: Elongated
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Bandit Cory
- length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Easy
- family: Cory Cats
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Elongated
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Hump-backed Limia
- length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Moderate
- family: Live-bearing fish (guppy, molly, platy, and swordtail)
- temperament: Active
- body shape of fish: Elongated
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Shovelnose catfish, Lima Shovelnose catfish
- length of fish: 30-50 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
- family: Long-whiskered catfish
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Elongated
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Melanotaenia splendida rubrostriata
- length of fish: 10-20 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Moderate
- family: Rainbowfish
- temperament: Active
- body shape of fish: Oval
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Dwarf rainbowfish
- length of fish: 5-10 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Moderate
- family: Rainbowfish
- temperament: Active
- body shape of fish: Oval
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Six-banded Distichodus
- length of fish: 20-30 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
- family: Tetras
- temperament: Aggressive
- body shape of fish: Oval
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Green Neon Tetra
- length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Moderate
- family: Tetras
- temperament: Active
- body shape of fish: Elongated
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Black Neon Tetra
- length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Easy
- family: Tetras
- temperament: Active
- body shape of fish: Elongated
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Cardinal Tetra
- length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Easy
- family: Tetras
- temperament: Active
- body shape of fish: Elongated
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Diptail Pencilfish
- length of fish: Up To 5 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Moderate
- family: Tetras
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Subulate
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Fire Eel
- length of fish: 30-50 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
- family: Spiny eels
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Serpentine
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Banded Acara
- length of fish: 5-10 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Moderate
- family: Cichlids
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Oval
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Bujurquina syspilus
- length of fish: 10-20 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Moderate
- family: Cichlids
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Oval
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Earth Eater, Demon fish
- length of fish: 10-20 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Moderate
- family: Cichlids
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Oval
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Red discus
- length of fish: 10-20 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: For The Experienced Aquarist
- family: Cichlids
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Round
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Blue Peacock Cichlid
- length of fish: 10-20 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Moderate
- family: Cichlids
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Oval
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Golden Mbuna
- length of fish: 5-10 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Easy
- family: Cichlids
- temperament: Active
- body shape of fish: Elongated
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Melanochromis chipokae
- length of fish: 10-20 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Easy
- family: Cichlids
- temperament: Calm
- body shape of fish: Oval
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Zebra Cichlid
- length of fish: 5-10 Cm
- habitat: Freshwater Fish
- care level: Easy
- family: Cichlids
- temperament: Aggressive
- body shape of fish: Elongated
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