plandaí uisceacha Cordata Cryptocoryne (Cryptocoryne cordata)

Photo Cordata Cryptocoryne (Cryptocoryne cordata), cliceáil chun súmáil.

Photo Cordata Cryptocoryne, dearg
Photo Cordata Cryptocoryne, glas

plandaí uisceacha Cryptocoryne cordata, Cordata Cryptocoryne tuairisc agus cúram.

bhfoirm plandaísprawling
airde de ghléasra30-50 cm
torthúlacht na hithreachard
méid duillemheán
socrúcháin sa aquariumlár-talamh
gnáthógplandaí fionnuisce
riachtanais éadromgeal
teocht an uiscein aice le 20°c
de chineál ar ghléasraplandaí
méid aquarium íostanach lú ná 50 lítear
foirm duilleoval
cineál plandacirt sa talamh
duille dathdearg, glas
leibhéal cúraimmeasartha
ainm laidineCryptocoryne cordata

Is féidir leat a cheannach plandaí uisceacha Cordata Cryptocoryne i siopaí ar líne.

chatalóg: plandaí uisceacha

Pontederiifolia Cryptocoryne
Pontederiifolia Cryptocoryne
Ciliata Cryptocoryne
Ciliata Cryptocoryne
Cryptocoryne Affinis
Cryptocoryne Affinis
Lingua Cryptocoryne
Lingua Cryptocoryne
Parva Cryptocoryne
Parva Cryptocoryne
Retrospiralis Cryptocoryne
Retrospiralis Cryptocoryne

Cabhraigh an tionscadal le do thoil! Comhroinn é le do thoil! Go raibh maith agat!


Cabhraigh an tionscadal le do thoil: Go raibh maith agat!

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14,99 € (14.990,00 € / kg)

39,50 € (7,90 € / l)

0,40 €

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0,90 €

12,99 €

13,99 €

76,01 €

14,90 € (1,49 € / kg)

13,99 €

48,54 €

30,94 €
Slappy and the Stinkers
$10.99 Lantian Grass Cluster Aquarium Décor Plastic Plants Green Large 24 Inches Tall
$9.95 Aquarium Plants (Aquamaster)
$11.99 Lantian Grass Cluster Aquarium Décor Plastic Plants Extra Large 22 Inches Tall, Green
$18.45 Aquatic Creations SPORN Aquarium Decoration, Ancient Vase 2
$5.99 GloFish Aquarium Gravel, Pink/Green/Blue Fluorescent, 5-Pound, Bag Pink/Green/Blue Fluorescent, 4 x 5 x 9 inches ; 5 pounds (29085)
$8.00 LIQURIJU Natural Stone Aquarium Fish Tank Decoration Crystal Agate Colorful Pebble Gravel Stone H#
$17.64 Sticker Studio: Arcana: A Sticker Gallery of Vintage Ephemera
catalóg na n-iasc agus plandaí aquarium © 2023-2024
córas cuardach phlandaí aquarium iasc
iasc aquarium, plandaí uisceacha